Owner Bio Michelle BlakelyI love men. Truly. Some of the best relationships of my life have been with men. But, as a business owner, women have always been my passion.

My thirteen years as a fitness professional and twelve years as a small business owner exposed me to the truth: women’s and independent training professionals needs are largely unaddressed in this industry. Unfortunately, the few consulting firms that are available are often void of comprehensive solutions to the business struggles of trainers and the specific struggles of female trainers. We decided to create something better. November 2015 See Jane Train was born.

Creating the Nine Week Turnaround and 21 Days to Independence (our comprehensive online courses) offered so much more than gender specific solutions. They are thoughtful, vetted, processes for powerful and lasting improvements to a trainer’s income, fitness career and ultimately lifestyle and the lives of his/her clients. They are supportive, candid and thought provoking courses full of video, meditations, audio, transcripts, essays, worksheets and support via meeting, phone or email as clients deem necessary.

Shortly upon launching, though, we received repeated requests from male professionals for our exact products. They needed business personal training solutions, too. And, we had them. The market had spoken. In examining what we had created: two incredible online courses for fitness professionals, we realized both sexes were in need. But, we still wanted to address the gender specific needs.

A solution was born. Enter: See Jake and Jane Train. In our courses, men and women are taken through the same high quality materials and tools. Our distinction? Including gender specific concerns along side all of our high quality material. Male and female trainer issues are clearly noted as such, tackled, resolved and most importantly available to everyone.

Sharing common struggles and solutions to all of our trainers, male and female, encourages a healthier dialogue amongst trainers and more concrete understanding of the problems unique to each in our industry.

We are honored to elevate fitness professionals by taking the tools that have taken us years to hone and hand them over.

It has been a joy interviewing fellow trainers and relevant industry experts as part of our research for See Jake and Jane Train. They are an inspiring group of professionals. This research has created a community seeking strength, balance and business success in the most efficient and enjoyable way possible. I am honored to have the trust and patronage of fellow independent trainers, educators and studio owners. I truly believe that strengthening independent men and women professionally has exponential benefits to our relationships, families, children communities and, ultimately the fitness industry itself.

If you’d like to learn more about what we offer and how we can help you. We’d be honored to hear your story. Email me today. michelle@seejakeandjanetrain.com